Scariest and Most Dangerous Hikes in America

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Top 10 Scariest and Most Dangerous Hikes in America

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Most people view hiking as an enjoyable outdoor activity that provides ample exercise and a connection with nature. On the other hand, there are a brave few looking for a bit of adrenaline pumping danger. For those searching for that thrill, we’ve compiled a list of our top 10 scariest hikes in America. Be warned, however, that these hikes aren’t for the faint of heart. We recommend them only to the most seasoned hiking veterans. From sheer rock faces to rapidly plummeting temperatures, these hikes will present numerous physical, and mental, challenges.

Disclaimer: We are in no way suggesting that inexperienced climbers and hikers tackle any of the trails presented in this list. This is for informational and research purposes only.  As with any hike, proper preparation, especially during high elevations, can mean the difference between life and death. Keep aware, be prepared, and stay safe. Have fun and enjoy the content!

#1 - Angels Landing, Zion National Park, Utah

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Our list starts with Angels Landing, located within Zion National Park in Utah. This is a relatively short hike, making it extremely popular. Coincidentally, the popularity is also what makes it one of the scariest hikes in America.

Towards the end of the trip, the pathway becomes very narrow – barely wide enough for one person. Many people have stumbled while trying to progress past this point, and sadly at least five have lost their lives. While there are chains anchored to the cliff face during this portion, more people continue to become casualties each year. Perhaps a visit during a less busy time is recommended.

#2 - The Maze, Canyonlands National Park, Utah

The name itself should give you a hint as to why this hike is one of the scariest in America. The Maze, found in Canyonlands National Park in Utah, is composed of red rock and, as the name suggests, is extremely difficult to navigate. Not only that, but it’s difficult to even reach in the first place. Due to the layout of this hike, rock fall are an ever present threat.

As if the danger of getting lost within a maze of crushing stone wasn’t enough, the area is well-known for deadly flash flooding. The number of known deaths, however, is very low, but this is likely attributed to the immense difficult of reaching “The Maze” to begin with.  All in all, this one is a bit of a three-headed danger monster. Being crushed, drowning, or dying of starvation after getting lost – take your pick.

#3 - Maroon Bells Trail of White River National Forest in Colorado

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Scenery is the name of the game when it comes to the Maroon Bells Trail. Found within the White River National Forest in Colorado, you’ll find luscious pine forests and beautiful reflective bodies of water. Coming in at around 12 miles, the Maroon Bells Trail comes with its fair share of difficulties. Hard to navigate fields of loose rock, ravine-like drops, and steep vertical paths await your next move.

The difficulty ramps up as your elevation increases towards the eastern slope. Littered with unstable, downward sloping rocks, deadly stretches of snowy countryside can prove to be a vicious opponent. This hike is recommended only to the most experienced climbers, and even they should be extremely cautious.

#4 - Mist Trail, Half Dome, California

If you’re into hiking then it’s very likely you’ve heard of Yosemite National Park. One of the more popular routes there is the Mist Trail. Records indicate that over 60 unfortunate people have succumbed to the dangers of this hike. The dangers here are more of an unexpected variety, though.

Towards the end of the trail, there is a second in which you’ll find steel cables to aid you in your final few hundred feet of the climb. If that sounds too easy, think again. Copious amounts of strength and physical conditioning are needed to complete this hike, and even the smallest amount of rainfall can instantly turn deadly. When challenging the Mist Trail, a strong physical prowess and mental sharpness are both highly recommended.

#5 - Bright Angel Trail of the Grand Canyon

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Arizona is home to some very beautiful landscapes. The Bright Angel Trail, which is part of the Grand Canyon, is no different. While the scenery is breathtaking, don’t let that distract you from Bright Angel Trail’s silent killer – the heat. During the summer months, temperatures are known to reach 110°F or more.

Those blistering temps paired with a vertical climb of 4,380 feet, spanning over 9.5 miles, are a true recipe for disaster. Every year, it is reported that around 200 heat-related emergency rescues are performed. If you intend to tackle the Bright Angel Trail, plan accordingly. Plenty of water and regular rest periods are an absolute must unless you want to become another statistic.

#6 - Mount Rainier in Washington State

Standing at a staggering 14,410 feet in elevation, Mount Rainier is an imposing behemoth to behold. In the end, the height is exactly what attracts most adventure seekers. Over 10,000 people attempt to challenge this beast of a task, and over half never reach the summit.

With such elevations, weather is one of the scariest issues found at Mount Rainier. During the climb, you can go from clear blue skies to whiteout blizzard conditions in the blink of an eye. Poor visibility and hypothermia can turn life threatening at a moment’s notice. Other hidden dangers include the possibilities of an avalanche, and deep crevasses camouflaged by blankets of fresh snow.   

#7 - Mount McKinley of Alaska

scariest hikes in america - Mount McKinley of Alaska

Mount McKinley, now known as Denali, holds the title of the highest mountain peak in North America, standing at an elevation of 20,310 feet at the summit. If that alone doesn’t make it one of the scariest hikes in America, I don’t know what does! Being a mountain, all of the common dangers are here – snow, avalanches, and hypothermia to name a few. But alas, that’s not all.

With such astounding elevation, altitude sickness begins to rear its ugly head at some pretty severe levels. Even with supplemental oxygen, it isn’t uncommon for climbers to wind up unconscious and require emergency evacuation. To top it off, Alaska is full of unpredictable local wildlife, including grizzlies and moose. To successfully conquer Mount McKinley, not only do you have to prepare for the hike, but also to defend yourself.  

#8 - Kalalau Trail, Hawaii

Hawaii, known for its beautiful beaches and lush environments, is home to the next hike on our list. The Kalalau Trail is situated along the Na Pali Coast and is trademarked by volcanic slopes and surrounding jungle. At first, this might sound like a nice relaxing nature walk, but this 22-mile hike has a deadly trick up its sleeve – flooding.

Throughout this path you’ll find three stream crossings that can easily overwhelm a passing hiker in the blink of an eye due to a distant storm. To top it off, during the second half of the trip you’ll come across Crawler’s Ledge, which sports narrow paths and steep drop-offs. When attempting this hike, be sure to check the weather forecast and watch your footing!

#9 - Longs Peak, Colorado

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With a name like Longs Peak, what could go wrong? Found in Colorado, Longs Peak comes filled with risks for even the most daring hiker. Those gorgeous snow-capped mountains are much more than postcard material. Deadly secrets lay in wait of inexperienced hikers.

Due to the extreme elevation, one of the scariest and most dangerous issues is exposure. I don’t know about you, but freezing to death doesn’t sound like a pleasant time to me. Sadly, exactly that occurs to around one person per year during this hike. During a section referred to as the Keyhole, bull’s-eyes are painted to aid in navigation along the narrow ledges and steep cliffs.

#10 - Mount Washington, New Hampshire

While not the highest of peaks, Mount Washington in New Hampshire is a popular hiking destination. Easily one of the scariest hikes in America, Mount Washington has a history of over 100 confirmed deaths, making it one of the deadliest in the country.

Hypothermia might be the most common cause, but the area is also known for frequent avalanches and insane wind gusts. According to record books, Mount Washington possessed the world wind speed record of 231 miles per hour, set way back in 1934, until it was passed in 1996 by Tropical Cyclone Olivia. The combination of cold temperatures, unstable snowpack, and violent winds definitely classifies Mount Washington as one of the scariest hikes in America.

Scariest and Most Dangerous Hikes in America – Conclusion

All hikes most definitely aren’t created equal. This list goes to show that some destinations are better off left to the experts and thrill seekers. Keep in mind that these are only the scariest hikes in America. Maybe one day we’ll delve into other countries to find the worst of the worst, and once and for all crown a reigning “king of scary hikes”.  If you’re looking for supplies for YOUR hiking adventures, check out our articles “What to Pack for an Overnight Backpacking Trip” and “What Should Be in a Backpacking First Aid Kit”. Happy travels!

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